Monday 11 April 2011

Rehearsal schedule

We have been running this particular topic 'record' since January 2011, as before we had a lady who came in and taught us aout using cameras etc however she ended her teaching so that is when we officially started. January: Week one- Get the ideas for a perfomnce Week two- Feedback our ideas and record it using video camera Week three- Deside on two ideas and seperate into groups Week four- Get some ideas developed Febrauary: Week five- Pitch back our ideas Week six-Create a power point about your particular 'seven deadly sin' (mine is gluttony) Week seven-Join up all our power points Week eight-select a section form the sheet and create a detailed power point and join them up March: Week nine- present the powerpoints and evelaute them Week 10- create an script for your individual performance Week 11-Let the people know what they need to bring and do Week twelve-Practise the performance April Week thirteen- Do the final performance(record it) Week fourteen-Edit the video Week fifteen- Upload all the final information onto blogger

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