Monday 11 April 2011

How did the group work together?

We started off in 2 groups overall which we divided ourselves into, in my group and the beginng we had a lot of discussuions as many people within the group had so many ideas and wanted to get them across but as everybody wanted to say somethink it meant that some people did not hear other peoples ideas but the suggestion that i made was to allow each person to talk and then when they our finsihed you can make your point so that it didnt get put of habd this idea worked. Some people within the group did a mixed amount of work in thier won time which meant that some did thier won individual power points to a detalied standerd but some did not as they had other work to do which meant that we all fell behind as a group. Another issue with the group was that as there where only a selected amount of cameras some people only put themself first to get thier work finished and other's had to wait when this was clearly a group based unit but the work needed was individual.

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