Monday 11 April 2011


Within the new unit record I encountered problems which had to resolved and dealt with some of the problems included: 1. The attendance and puntuality of some members of the group meant that we had to delay the work until everybody had arrived which meant that we were not running to our schedule and we eneded up falling behind on the work. 2. The resources that we need weekly were not always avilable which meant that we had to get on with other work within the unit. 3. One member form the group whose idea it was to do the 'seven deadly sins' discontinued th course which meant that we had to take on extre work to take over his part. There were also other issues which need to be resolved but luckily they were only minor, form tghe problems which I have encountered it has allowed me to make sure that when doing an rehearsal schedule you need to put in place time for problems and occurences etc.

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