Tuesday 10 May 2011

experimenting with cameras(perosnal powerpoint)

This powerpoint was part of a group presenentaion but we took an section to present within the group presentation, I tried to upload it but there was problems so this is the format.

Gluttony presentation

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Monday 9 May 2011

Evaluation of the photoshoot

I felt that the preperation of the performance was un organised as members within the group did not prepare or organise enough before the day which meant that we had to waste time going over things so that people understood the characters and there own individual tasks.

We spent aroung an hour going over everything and then we collected materials for each deadly sin, each colour of material represented the charater's from each persons research. We spent around 15-20 minutes to set up the dark room which had the lighting and the facilities that we needed and then we spent around 15 minutes photoshooting the performance. When it came around for each person to shoot thier chosen deadly sin it was clear that they did not have a plan or a storyboard for the characters to perform however I had a stooryboard for the positioning of what I wanted the chracters to do which made it easier and did not take as much preperation.

In total the whole shooting of the seven deadly sins took around an hour and a half, we burned all of the images on to one disk so that people could take it in turns to upload thier images that they took and make changes and also evaluate them.

The idea that I had was to upoad a selected amount of images onto my blogger and then edit and make changes to the them and then show what I did and see if the outcome was more effective.

Monday 11 April 2011

script for my performance

Script for the performance Art
In my performance their will be two characters as the first person will be pet raying ‘gluttony’ form the seven deadly sins, and the other will be putting across the good side to the person. This performance will be put across through ‘Mime’ and it will be recorded via photography using mixes shots (close-up, whole body, mid- shot).
Scene 1: Ana- She will be wearing black leggings and a black top (costume outfit) -She will be walking across a space (the drama/hall) and taking small elegant step’s moving her arm up and down with big movements. Rute- Whole black outfit -The second characters will be walking a few steps behind walking in bigger steps with a confident attitude.
Scene 2: Ana- She will then walk around the edge of the space with small steps Rute- She will start form the other side of the room in collation of Ana and then they will meet in the middle and hold their hands up to one another and turn their heads away.
Scene 3: Ana- Their will be a seating area in the middle of the room where Ana will lay across with a cloth across her body. Rute- she will look at her.
Scene 4: Rute- she will stand up and walk across the room Ana- She will look at Rute envious.

7 deadly sins information

7 Deadly sins Information Pride Synopsis What it is: Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Why you do it: Well-meaning elementary school teachers told you to "believe in yourself." Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be broken on the wheel. Associated symbols & suchlike: Pride is linked with the horse and the color violet. Envy Sinopsis What it is: Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Why you do it: Because other people are so much luckier, smarter, more attractive, and better than you. Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be put in freezing water. Associated symbols & suchlike: Envy is linked with the dog and the color green. Gluttony Sinopsis What it is: Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Why you do it: Because you were weaned improperly as an infant. Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be force-fed rats, toads, and snakes. Associated symbols & suchlike: Gluttony is linked with the pig and the color orange. Lust Sinopsis What it is: Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Why you do it: Oh, please. Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be smothered in fire and brimstone. Not kisses. Associated symbols & suchlike: Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue. Anger Sinopsis What it is: Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Why you do it: You're wired for it. Also, the people around you are pretty damn irritating. Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be dismembered alive. Associated symbols & suchlike: Anger is linked with the bear and the color red. Greed Sinopsis What it is: Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Why you do it: You live in possibly the most pampered, consumerist society since the Roman Empire. Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be boiled alive in oil. Bear in mind that it's the finest, most luxurious boiling oil that money can buy, but it's still boiling. Associated symbols & suchlike: Greed is linked with the frog and the color yellow. Sloth Sinopsis What it is: Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Why you do it: You're shiftless, lazy, and good fer nuthin'. Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be thrown into snake pits. Associated symbols & suchlike: Sloth is linked with the goat (or the goatfish, in the case of the ) and the color light blue. The information about the seven deadly sins above allows you to think about the colors that could be used within the performance and also the animals and symbols. For the play I think that for each sin there should be a color assigned to it; plain colored t-shirt and plain colored leggings and no footwear. For each character of the sins a specific object should be linked so that it is recognizable for the audience.

Problems that i encountered

Along the proces of uploading mty work onto blogger there were issues such as i was unable to upload my power points and had to prospone it until i got help which meant that the layout of my blogger was un even

How did the group work together?

We started off in 2 groups overall which we divided ourselves into, in my group and the beginng we had a lot of discussuions as many people within the group had so many ideas and wanted to get them across but as everybody wanted to say somethink it meant that some people did not hear other peoples ideas but the suggestion that i made was to allow each person to talk and then when they our finsihed you can make your point so that it didnt get put of habd this idea worked. Some people within the group did a mixed amount of work in thier won time which meant that some did thier won individual power points to a detalied standerd but some did not as they had other work to do which meant that we all fell behind as a group. Another issue with the group was that as there where only a selected amount of cameras some people only put themself first to get thier work finished and other's had to wait when this was clearly a group based unit but the work needed was individual.


Within the new unit record I encountered problems which had to resolved and dealt with some of the problems included: 1. The attendance and puntuality of some members of the group meant that we had to delay the work until everybody had arrived which meant that we were not running to our schedule and we eneded up falling behind on the work. 2. The resources that we need weekly were not always avilable which meant that we had to get on with other work within the unit. 3. One member form the group whose idea it was to do the 'seven deadly sins' discontinued th course which meant that we had to take on extre work to take over his part. There were also other issues which need to be resolved but luckily they were only minor, form tghe problems which I have encountered it has allowed me to make sure that when doing an rehearsal schedule you need to put in place time for problems and occurences etc.

How will i record the performance?

I will record the performance using a camera as I feel this would allow you to take different shots to present different feelings and emotions. From the power point that I have created before I will select elements with useful information.

Rehearsal schedule

We have been running this particular topic 'record' since January 2011, as before we had a lady who came in and taught us aout using cameras etc however she ended her teaching so that is when we officially started. January: Week one- Get the ideas for a perfomnce Week two- Feedback our ideas and record it using video camera Week three- Deside on two ideas and seperate into groups Week four- Get some ideas developed Febrauary: Week five- Pitch back our ideas Week six-Create a power point about your particular 'seven deadly sin' (mine is gluttony) Week seven-Join up all our power points Week eight-select a section form the sheet and create a detailed power point and join them up March: Week nine- present the powerpoints and evelaute them Week 10- create an script for your individual performance Week 11-Let the people know what they need to bring and do Week twelve-Practise the performance April Week thirteen- Do the final performance(record it) Week fourteen-Edit the video Week fifteen- Upload all the final information onto blogger

Do i need copyright permission?

For the performance i will not need copyright permission as i am not using any music etc and the performance has been created and designed by myself.

What will i need for the performance

For the performance i will need: camera Lighting Large amount of space 2 female charcters Silk material The outfitt for the two charcters; black leggins and black tops
Contingency plan What if somebody from the group doesn’t turn up? · If somebody form the group does not turn up then when each person plans out their photo shoot they would have to cater for if this happens; so if they want to have two people in their ‘seven deadly sins’ photo shoot then they would have plan out an extra member just encase. · If the group are going to do a group discussion and a member form the group does not turn up it would mean that they would loose out form the information and people would have to decide for the member, but to make sure that they don’t loose out somebody would have to let them know what was discussed. What if there aren’t the right resources? · As our group are doing photo shoots we need resources such as ; cameras, cables, photo shoot facility room however in this case we need to make sure that the week before we need to let the person in charge of the resources know that we will need to use it the next week.

Monday 4 April 2011

Sketches and diagrams for the performance

Initailly I planned my performance to be a photoshootvand i did sketches and diagrams to show the positions on where the charccters will be placed and what actions and things they would need to do to make the photo's an sucess. I then looked back which meant that we had to record the performance through a performance which is mime, So i then created an script for what the two characters had to do.

Power point about experimenting ideas for photographs

Each member of the group selected a title from a chioce of ideas and created a power point to present your finding's and expamples... this powerpoint is uploaded onto this blogger.

Information about slr cameras

I produced a power point ginving information about slr cameras and ginving an insight into the developmet and key functions, I have also uploaded the powerpoint.

Findig out information about Gluttony

I researched information about gluttony using information and images from the internet. I used useful links and websites from www.google.com and selected imformation and changed the key information into my own words. I presented the findings using a power point format as I felt that this was the best way to present my findings.

Choosing each seven deadly sin

Our group had a meeting to decide that as thier where a large amount of seven deadly sins and there where seven memebers within the group it would be a good idea if each person selected a deadly sin and gathered information about it and make a powerpoint presentation to present it. The deadly sin that i choose was 'Gluutony' as felt that the title of it standed out and made me quisitive to find out more information about it to put on a performance.

Lesson log

In todays lesson we divided ourselves into two different groups, which we had a choice to choose. I felt that this particular group would be best for me, As thier were two peoples ideas as a group we thought that it would be best to join 'mime' and also the seven deadly sins together. I researched what the seven deadly sins was all about and got information about each if the seven deadly sins.

Friday 1 April 2011

Choosing two people's ideas

We had then had to decide 2 peoples ideas and then seperate into two equal groups sticking to the one idea and then perform it after development and research, the idea that I choose overall was Aleia's as I felt that the research that she put into along with her idea was relevent.

Here is the notes and results that I made on each person's idea:

Group ideas- discussion

Edna’s idea- Teenage girls trouble in school- need help/issues
- Out of school –stereotypes

Scene 1- argument with mum/ parent before school.
Scene 2- outburst (to other)
Scene 3- Confides with her friend


-Needs to look at scenes in greater detail
- Define your characters
- Storyline plot/don’t lead off


Ruth’s idea- universal African arts
–West and east Africa
- Music/drums
- Religious tradition

-20 minutes long
- Video camera recording
- Open space area/public attraction

Scene 1- poem with drumming in the background
Scene 2- Story being told with mime in the background


- Needs to focus on scenes
- Good possible story line
- Look at characters in detail
- What will your set look like?


Amals idea- poverty driven
- Different pieces way of lives
- Effect
- Survive
-Drama piece/music
10-15 minutes
-Song related to poverty

- Need to look at the characters
- -Will you need copyright permission?
- Research the music relating to poverty


Anna’s idea- romance
- Ballet
- -Music
-Two people falling in love , problems occur
-Cliff hanger
-15 mins

-It is going to be hard to teach everyone to do ballet
-You need to look into the scenes in more detail
-Look at the storyline to get a better understanding


Aleia’s idea- Explore my emotions

-The colours resembles feelings
- Photography of the expressions
- Hall with lighting
-20 minutes

-Needs to look at what’s going on in greater detail
- Unique


Keesha’s idea- Istop motion
- Members of the group will have a selected time to share their experiences of discrimination
- 30 minutes in total


Sharna’s idea- retailing a story tale
-Use 3 backboards
- Use close-up images
- 20 minutes

- Good idea however it should evolve everyone


Faye’s idea- Childhood dreams
- 4 characters
- Remembering the past
- Dreams/ambitions

-Need to consider the time length
- Look at how it will be recorded


pitching our ideas

After we then gathered all ideas and then made notes on each person in our rough books and then made things that they needed to develop and then give them a rating of each persons general idea.
However as some people did not attend the lesson we had to continue it next lesson so that everybody's ideas got an chance, we also recorded each persons idea as we were able to look back on what each person said.

Starting record

Around an month ago we were introduced to the new topic record, after having practise of photography with the last lady(you can look through some of the work through my blogger). We got given a sheet of paper which we had to fill in separately to come up with an idea of a performance which can be recorded through video or photography.

I came up with an idea and did basic exploring of what I need to cover within certain areas of the performance.