Tuesday 10 May 2011

experimenting with cameras(perosnal powerpoint)

This powerpoint was part of a group presenentaion but we took an section to present within the group presentation, I tried to upload it but there was problems so this is the format.

Gluttony presentation

Page 4

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Monday 9 May 2011

Evaluation of the photoshoot

I felt that the preperation of the performance was un organised as members within the group did not prepare or organise enough before the day which meant that we had to waste time going over things so that people understood the characters and there own individual tasks.

We spent aroung an hour going over everything and then we collected materials for each deadly sin, each colour of material represented the charater's from each persons research. We spent around 15-20 minutes to set up the dark room which had the lighting and the facilities that we needed and then we spent around 15 minutes photoshooting the performance. When it came around for each person to shoot thier chosen deadly sin it was clear that they did not have a plan or a storyboard for the characters to perform however I had a stooryboard for the positioning of what I wanted the chracters to do which made it easier and did not take as much preperation.

In total the whole shooting of the seven deadly sins took around an hour and a half, we burned all of the images on to one disk so that people could take it in turns to upload thier images that they took and make changes and also evaluate them.

The idea that I had was to upoad a selected amount of images onto my blogger and then edit and make changes to the them and then show what I did and see if the outcome was more effective.